Monday 16 May 2016

Minecraft Design

This is my design on Minecraft. The building that I created is a hotel with a swimming pool

Monday 11 April 2016

Inventing Abstract Workshop

Acrylic Painting

For this task, I had to use Acrylic paint to create an abstract composition while playing and listening to Arnold Schoenberg 'Six Short Pieces of Piano' in the background. It was quite hard because I couldn't focus on the mood of the song. The challenge of this task is that we had to paint over paint. I couldn't do that properly. It was quite hard. I kept painting on the paper and I also had to make sure that the brush mark is invisible. 

For this composition I've used dark and gloomy colour so that it represent the mood of this song. I've used green, blue, yellow and black. I also put yellow because it kind of shows a little bit of the happiness of the song. 

Paper Sculpture

For this task, I had to create a Paper Sculpture while Luicana Berio's Linea playing in the background. I find this the hardest task because I faced many challenges. 

This music composition was kind of creepy and I also felt the spooky feeling. I barely used any colour for this abstract composition. All I did was cut the edges and fold it so it pops out when you look it from the side. It is unfinished because I only had 7 minutes to complete and I think 7 minutes isn't enough. The other challenge that I faced was following the beat. That was also really hard. 

Watercolor Painting 

This task is watercolor painting. I find this the easiest task because it is a water colour painting and following the beat for this abstract composition was also kind of easy. I interpreted the music composition called Dream by John Cage. 

The feeling of the music was kind of sad and it is also slow. As you can see I've used bright colors but that doesn't represent anything. The structures of the lines represent the feeling of the music. I've used wavy lines to represent the sad and slow feeling. 

During this task, I kind of felt that I was off beat for few minutes.


This task is called printing. I interpreted the music called The Rites of Spring by Stravinsky. This was the fun task out of all because all we did was printing and it was really fun. The challenge that I faced was that I couldn't follow the beat. All I did was printing on the paper. 

Monday 1 February 2016

Radio Plays

MYP: Radioplays
Key Concept: Communication & Creativity
Related Concepts: Composition & Genre
Global Contexts: Personal and Cultural
Statement of Inquiry: The radio is a powerful tools that grew out of a need for communication and entertainment in the past, but is equally as valid today.
Inquiry Questions: What elements combine to create an effective radio play?

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Peer Assessment on PSA Video

Angelo, Nur, Laith, Ishita, Joshita - Substantial (6). 
The video tells us about sexual harrassment. It is related to the topic. The statistics and tagline is included in the video. 

Mazen, Tanya, Nivedya, Michael , Sumayya - Adaquate (4)
The video tells us about domestic abuse which is related to the topic. The video is working, but it is not clear. You can't hear them talking. There is also tagline and and statistics.

Ridha, Sara, Irwan, Vinesh, Maxime and Sudu - Limited (2) 
The video is about bullying, but half of the video is missing. The important part. There are lots of statistics, but there is no references. 

Sexual Harassment Video

Tuesday 12 January 2016

3 Music Videos

Behind the Wall - Tracy Chapman

This song is about what she experienced. She heard that something happened to her neighbour and quickly call the police, but they didn't do anything. 

In the video, she took her guitar with her to the stage but didn't play the guitar. It's probably because she wanted to make the audience listen to the lyrics and understand them 

Silent all these years - 

The mother was the abuser.
She has a problem but she couldn't tell anyone. 
She is pretending that she is something else. 
She wants to leave but she couldn't go anywhere. 

Pearl Jam - Jeremy

A boy was bullied in school and was ignored by his mom