Tuesday 15 December 2015

What is conflict?

Conflict is a disagreement between people. It is an active disagreement. They start a conflict because of their opinions towards something. Opposing opinions. Conflict involves threat to something like needs, interests etc. 

Types of conflict:
1. Interpersonal conflict: It is between to individuals
2. Intrapersonal conflict: It occurs within an individual
3. Intragroup conflict: It happens among individuals within a team
4. Intergroup conflict: It happens among different teams within an organization



MYP: Conflict
Key Concept: Perspective
Related Concepts: Expression and Narrative
Global Contexts: Fairness and development
Statement of Inquiry: We can understand how conflicts arise at hone, school and in society through the field of drama.
Inquiry Questions: Can controversy be explored through drama to represent different perspectives?

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Reflection of Second Composition

When we finished our composition, we asked miss to listen to our composed song. She said that there was another method involved which is minimalism. Tanya and I were quite surprised though. Miss was satisfied with our music and we were very happy. We are the only group who used all the methods. So our 2nd composition involved Cipher and Minimalism. We listened to our composition again and did some research about minimalism.

Monday 23 November 2015

Video of 2nd Composition

This is our YouTube link. We couldn't upload the video because the file is too big.

2nd Composition

I've decided to work with the same partner, Tanya,  because we worked well together and we make good compositions together. We both decided to interpret this artwork. It is because Miss kind of interpret this artwork for us. So, it will be easy for us to make our 2nd composition.
We chose to do new a method of composing our own music which is Cipher. We decided to do something new so we could learn new method instead of just learning one method. It may help us in future - probably. What we did is we gave each colour a cipher including the background. 

This is the picture of the notes used. 


After we finished figuring out the cipher for each colour, we edit it on mixcraft. We combine all ciphers together and organize it on mixcraft. It was kind of hard because there are so many things to edit since there are lots of ciphers for our second composition. We organized the ciphers according to the artwork we chose. We start our music with the yellow cipher which is the left bottom corner on the artwork and we add everything in order.

We chose G#, E, E and F# for background because it is green colour and G represents g in green. E represents e in green. I repeat E because there are two e's in green. A, C, E, C and D for yellow because A represents Y if you turn it upside down and add a single line under it. C represents l in yellow. Just straighten the line, then it could be an l since C uses just 1 line. E represents e and D represents o in yellow. G, B, D, A and B for dark green because G represents g in green. B represents r because it kind of look the same if you remove a line in B. D represents d for dark and A represents a in the word dark. G, C, B and E for red because G and C sounded good together. Since B represents r for dark green, we decided to do the same thing for red. So B represents r. E because there is an E in red. B, E, D for Dark blue because B and E is the first and last letter in blue. D id for dark. B, E and D is the notes that we used for dark blue, but we actually repeat the notes to make it sound good. For dark brown it is D, B, C and A because D is for dark so as letter A. B is for brown and C represents O in brown. If you attach the end of the C together, it will end up as an O. There is actually no specific reason light brown. Playing those notes together just sounded nice and we just chose it as light brown. Light Green is E, F, G and A because G stands for green and E is used in green. For the other notes, there is no specific reason. That is all.

This is how we organize our cipher. First we split the picture into several pieces. We start it with the first piece. On the first piece, there is yellow, dark green, dark brown, dark blue and red. So we add each of the ciphers of the colours that were mentioned on mixcraft. But before that, we add the background cipher onto mixcraft then the colours. On the second piece, there is red, yellow, dark brown, light green and grey. On the third piece there is red, dark green, yellow, dark blue and light brown. on the forth piece there is dark brown, light brown, yellow, light green, dark blue and red. On the last piece there is light green, dark blue and light brown, After we organize them on mixcraft we edit all the notes whether it is a high or a low note and the pace of each notes, whether it is a long or a short note.

Our Composition on Mixcraft

The first, second and third track is the background, forth is yellow, fifth is dark green, sixth is dark brown, seventh is red, eight is dark blue, ninth is light brown and the last track is light green. It looks kind of messed up, but when you listen to it you'll find it awesome. This actually took a long time to edit.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

My Own Piece

We decided to use Serialism because it is very interesting even though it is hard to play. Serialism which is also known as the 12-note-rows gives a lot of choice of music. Compare to other techniques, this technique use more notes. There are many ways to put them and there are many notes which makes it good because it gives us cool music.

When the music is going slow in the beginning, that represent the circles. The high notes in the music represent the long straight lines. On the picture, there is a part of it that looked like a piano. We chose a keyboard to make our music. The wavy lines signify when the music goes in a very abstract way and when long and short notes are played together. We overlapped our music because the picture itself is overlapping with all kinds of shapes and lines. We used strings to edit the music because strings give an effect of a high note and if you see in the picture, the picture only shows high notes because there are very long, thin lines. Most of our music are strings. The line under the shapes of the piano signifies our last note because as the line in the picture is long , so as our last note is long.

Monday 12 October 2015

Our own Serialism

We created our own piece by using a keyboard. Later on, we were thinking about to put them in mixcraft and edit them whether it will be a long note or a short note. We thought that we will just stick to keyboard as our instrument, but we might overlap some notes together. We will try to match it with our chosen Kandinsky's art. Tanya created the notes on Prime and Retrograde row. I created the notes on Inverse and Inverse Retrograde row. It was kind of hard to do the Inverse row, but it will be easy to do the Inverse Retrograde once you've found the notes for Inverse. I had to do a little bit of Math while doing the Inverse notes.

This is what we did so far and we played these notes on the keyboard as well.

Prime: C G A E G# B F D C# D# F A#

Retrograde: A# F D# C# D F# B G# E A G C

Inverse: C F D#G# E C# F# A# D B AC

Inverse Retrograde: G A B D A# F# C# E G# D# F C

It seems that Serialism is very hard, but at least we achieved on making notes for each row. Our next goal is to try to put them all together in mixcraft and make it sounds good. We will try to combine the piece that we created with one of the Kandinsky's art that we have chosen. Since Tanya will not be in school for this week, I will be doing all the work then.

Thursday 8 October 2015


In week 1, we learnt about Kandinsky and Schoenberg. We also learnt about abstract music. All of us were put into groups and Miss gave us a painting to look at and music to listen. We were allowed to choose our group. Miss gave us a table and we had to describe the music and the painting. We had to say how the music that we listened relate to the painting that we saw. We had to describe using the Elements of art and Elements of music. 

Monday 5 October 2015

Investigating Abstractions

What is a Cipher?

A cipher is another way of writing in secret. In music we used cipher differently. Cipher in music is when you use your initials and change them into notes and make music using those notes. So, you use the first letter of your name and change them to different notes. For example, my name is Nur Aqilah Binti Zamzuri. Since my initials aren't the same as the keyboard notes, I will change my initials that look the same as the notes. My initials are NABZ. N will be the H note because they look the same if you fix the middle line of H. A will be A. B will be B. Miss said Z will probably be F because when you swap one the line to the other side, it will end up as a Z. Finally my cipher is HAB and F.

What is Serialism or 12 Note Rows?

Serialism is compositional technique. This technique is used to make a melody. It consist the 12 Note Rows. There are four rows and each of the rows have 12 notes. Those 12 notes can't be repeated until you start a new row. This is the rule of using the 12 note rows. The first row is called Basic which is in order from C to B. The second row is Retrograde. It is when you put the notes that you used in Basic backward. The third row is called Inverse and the last for is called Inverse retrograde. It is quite hard to explain The Inverse row.

What is minimalism?

Miss, I totally forgot what Minimalism is. 

Abstract Composers

Miss, I don't really understand what to do about this post, Abstract Composers.

Monday 28 September 2015

Kandinsky & Schoenberg


Kandinsky's full name is Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky. He was a Russian painter and art theorist. He was born on 16 December 1866 in Moscow, Russia. He died on 13 December 1944 in France. He was influenced by Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh and many more. He went to Law Faculty of Moscow University. After six years, he married to his cousin named Anna Chimyakina. He was a professor in Law Faculty of Moscow University. He gave up his successful career being a professor and devote himself to painting. He divorced his wife in 1903. his famous paintings are called Autumn in Murnau, The Blue Rider, Beach Baskets in Holland, Okhtyrka - Red Church and many more. These paintings that are mentioned were created between 1900 to 1910.

The Blue Rider                                         Autumn At Murnau



Arnold Schoen berg was an Austrian composer and painter. He was born on 13 September 1874 in Austria. He died on July 13 1951 in Los Angles, United States. He has five children. His artwork are called Der rote BlickBlue Self-PortraitBlauer BlickGehendes Selbst-PortraitChristusDenkenHass. Arnold Schoenberg was one of the most controversial figures in the history of music from 19th Century until the World War 2. He had produced stylistic music. 


These are some of his compositions:
  • Pierrot Lunaire
  • Gurrelieder
  • Moses and Aron
  • Erwartung
  • A Survivor from Warsaw
  • Five Pieces for Orchestra


  1. http://www.wassilykandinsky.net/
  2. http://www.cuded.com/2014/04/20-famous-wassily-kandinsky-paintings/
  3. https://www.google.ae/search?newwindow=1&es_sm=93&q=schoenberg+music+list&oq=schoenberg+music+list&gs_l=serp.3..0i22i30l3.12571.13674.0.14235.