Tuesday 20 October 2015

My Own Piece

We decided to use Serialism because it is very interesting even though it is hard to play. Serialism which is also known as the 12-note-rows gives a lot of choice of music. Compare to other techniques, this technique use more notes. There are many ways to put them and there are many notes which makes it good because it gives us cool music.

When the music is going slow in the beginning, that represent the circles. The high notes in the music represent the long straight lines. On the picture, there is a part of it that looked like a piano. We chose a keyboard to make our music. The wavy lines signify when the music goes in a very abstract way and when long and short notes are played together. We overlapped our music because the picture itself is overlapping with all kinds of shapes and lines. We used strings to edit the music because strings give an effect of a high note and if you see in the picture, the picture only shows high notes because there are very long, thin lines. Most of our music are strings. The line under the shapes of the piano signifies our last note because as the line in the picture is long , so as our last note is long.

1 comment:

  1. I like this piece of work Nur. I think you could have varied the rhythm a little more in the opening section... or did you write it like that for a reason? I like the combination of piano & strings & your reasoning behind it. A good attempt at a difficult concept.
    Criteria A: Knowledge & Understanding: 5
    Criteria B: Developing Skills: 6
    Criteria C: Thinking Creatively: 6
    Criteria D: Responding: 6
    MYP: 5
