Monday 12 October 2015

Our own Serialism

We created our own piece by using a keyboard. Later on, we were thinking about to put them in mixcraft and edit them whether it will be a long note or a short note. We thought that we will just stick to keyboard as our instrument, but we might overlap some notes together. We will try to match it with our chosen Kandinsky's art. Tanya created the notes on Prime and Retrograde row. I created the notes on Inverse and Inverse Retrograde row. It was kind of hard to do the Inverse row, but it will be easy to do the Inverse Retrograde once you've found the notes for Inverse. I had to do a little bit of Math while doing the Inverse notes.

This is what we did so far and we played these notes on the keyboard as well.

Prime: C G A E G# B F D C# D# F A#

Retrograde: A# F D# C# D F# B G# E A G C

Inverse: C F D#G# E C# F# A# D B AC

Inverse Retrograde: G A B D A# F# C# E G# D# F C

It seems that Serialism is very hard, but at least we achieved on making notes for each row. Our next goal is to try to put them all together in mixcraft and make it sounds good. We will try to combine the piece that we created with one of the Kandinsky's art that we have chosen. Since Tanya will not be in school for this week, I will be doing all the work then.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on trying to do the harder technique. You have worked out your rows very well in reality. There is an error in the last 4 notes of the retrograde (B, A, G, D - check the use of the 12-tones), there is a similar error at the start of the inverse retrograde. However, enough is correct to show me that have understood the concept.
