Monday 5 October 2015

Investigating Abstractions

What is a Cipher?

A cipher is another way of writing in secret. In music we used cipher differently. Cipher in music is when you use your initials and change them into notes and make music using those notes. So, you use the first letter of your name and change them to different notes. For example, my name is Nur Aqilah Binti Zamzuri. Since my initials aren't the same as the keyboard notes, I will change my initials that look the same as the notes. My initials are NABZ. N will be the H note because they look the same if you fix the middle line of H. A will be A. B will be B. Miss said Z will probably be F because when you swap one the line to the other side, it will end up as a Z. Finally my cipher is HAB and F.

What is Serialism or 12 Note Rows?

Serialism is compositional technique. This technique is used to make a melody. It consist the 12 Note Rows. There are four rows and each of the rows have 12 notes. Those 12 notes can't be repeated until you start a new row. This is the rule of using the 12 note rows. The first row is called Basic which is in order from C to B. The second row is Retrograde. It is when you put the notes that you used in Basic backward. The third row is called Inverse and the last for is called Inverse retrograde. It is quite hard to explain The Inverse row.

What is minimalism?

Miss, I totally forgot what Minimalism is. 

1 comment:

  1. A reasonable attempt Nur at remembering... but what should you do when you forget something?! Ask friends, peers, teachers or research! You really didn't need me to tell you that did you?
